Christ is our Life and Love

Jesus is the heart and soul of our ministry. At the Lord’s church in Farmersville he has the preeminence (Colossians 1:18). Our mission is to exalt his name in all we do and teach. We affirm that a life that exalts Jesus is a life that serves. In order to fulfill our mission we look for opportunities to serve others in evangelism, benevolence, and prayer.

The basis of our evangelism is the word of God. 

The basis of our benevolence is love for one another.

The basis of our prayers is faith in the promises of God.

If, in some way, we point souls to Jesus Christ we will have taken another step in fulfilling our lifelong mission. 

Our purpose for the church in Farmersville is to give glory to our Lord by providing a place for every member of his church to serve and grow, and preaching his gospel with conviction and clarity.